Who Uses SSAS?

The best way perhaps to understand the very real benefits of SSAS, is to understand how they are used.

No two clients ever have have the same circumstances or needs. SSAS is highly adaptable, offering a wide array of solutions and options to suit virtually all circumstances.

SSAS is designed for business owners. Have a look and see the more typical uses that we usually see;

The Profit Maker

SSAS allows a Business to contribute up to £500,000 per annum tax allowably

The Access to Capital seeker

SSAS Allows a business to borrow up to 50%of the SSAS value to be used in the business

The Commercial Property Buyer

A SSAS can purchase and own Commercial Property, Land or Development land

The Asset Holder

Existing Personal or Business Assets can be “IN-SPECIE“ transferred into a SSAS, very tax efficiently

The SIPP holder

SSAS offers far more flexibility and options than a SIPP. Many business owners who are SIPP holders, change to SSAS

The Protection Seeker

Assets / value held within a SSAS is protected from litigation, Tribunals, Administration or Liquidation or Creditor actions

The Family Business

SSAS by default creates a family trust, which provides an excellent way of succession planning and tax management

The Property / Land Investor

SSAS can purchase land for development and even structure a JV to develop that land, or sell the land tax efficiently with a changed planning status

The Doctors / Dentists / Solictors

Professionals have tended to seek flexible group pension structures, SSAS is ideally suited for grouped ownership structures such as Solicitors, Dentists and Doctors 

Next Steps

To help you start your process of understanding how SSAS can benefit you and your business, we have created our SSAS Blueprint Education programme

SSAS is a very specialist tool, and we have found over many years that Business owners are blown away at the power and capabilities of SSAS. To ensure that we share SSAS information and open up our extensive resources and network capabilities with the right business owners, we now provide access to those specialist resources, expertise, experience and valuable contacts within our Exclusive SSAS Blueprint Education programme

The cost of our SSAS Blueprint programme is minimal, the value within is priceless!